Linked in Friendship
Connected in Service
Miami-Biscayne Bay (FL) Chapter
A Message From Our President

Greetings from the Miami-Biscayne Bay Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. Welcome to our official website as we embrace our legacy of friendship, service and commitment to making a positive difference in our community. Throughout its history, our organization has been dedicated to implementing innovative programs that reflect our core value of providing service and resources to meet the challenges facing our communities. Members of The Links, Incorporated are forever committed to promoting and engaging in educational, civic, and intercultural activities to enrich the lives of the constituents in our communities.
Since the chartering of Miami-Biscayne Bay Chapter, we have been blessed to make lasting friendships and build strong relationships that have sustained over the past decade. Together, we have invested time in numerous successful service projects. In a continuation of what we have begun, our theme is “Building Community Presence through Transformative Programming.”
We are committed and dedicated to establishing Miami-Biscayne Bay Chapter’s brand in our community through our five facets: The Arts, Service to Youth, Health and Human Services, National Trends and Services and International Trends and Services. Please continue to review our website to learn more about the chapter.
In friendship and service.
Georgia H. McLean, M.A.
Miami-Biscayne Bay (FL) Chapter
Meet our Executive Committee

Vice President


Corresponding Secretary


Financial Secretary
The Links, Incorporated
1M +
the District of Columbia,
the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and the United Kingdom
Who We Are
On June 30, 2010, thirty-one of South Florida’s most accomplished professional women were inducted as charter members of the Miami-Biscayne Bay Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. On Saturday, June 14, 2014, we expanded our circle of friendship by welcoming eight awesome, educated and engaged women to our Chapter. On Sunday, June 18, 2016, we once again strengthened our circle of friendship and dedication to service by embracing eleven amazingly talented, socially conscious and community-minded women. We are so grateful to extend our friendship circle with six dynamic, civically engaged and educated women on Sunday June 9, 2019.

Past Presidents

Links Programming through adopted initiatives provides an opportunity for each of our Chapters to network within their local communities to target and serve key strategic goals that will impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and make a momentous contribution to the enduring legacy of the Links, Incorporated.
——— ELLA BAKER ———

Meet The Links
Get in Touch
Please fill out the quick form and we will be in touch with you.
For support or any questions: Email us at info@miamibblinks.org